I switched!
I have a new blogspot! Explain? Look on:

Shirt: vintage
Dress: Don't know.. bought it in Lille (France)
Legging: Vero Moda
Shoes: Vans

Found this image on the internet today. Love it!

we've been photographed when we visited Hofbogen for a film on the roof. I was with Thomas, Frederique, Laura and Joost. A great night.

y'know its pretty damn hard to get a band together, im still looking for that awesome bassplayer to appear :(
The name? still unknown, but i want something cool. as it'll be a deathcore - death metal band. RAWR like that.

Lets pray that one shall appear :(


Hello, hello, hellooo! Yes! I'm back! It was great! I really love skiing. Anyway.. I had a great time. No time for many pictures.. only from the fireworks. I've made this awesome picture. A tree with fireworks on the backgrounds. I think we're going next year again. Only the point is.. everything there's 18+. So it was killing for my when I wanted to smoke or drink. God thank you, my dad wanted to buy some sigarettes for my.

Ok guys, Tomorrow, I'll be in Czechia (Tsjechiƫ)! So this will be my last post for about.. 9 days. I'll take my laptop.. but I think I don't have time to upload pictures and stories. I'll see about that. In any event, merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I'll see you soon, and have a nice vacation!

Blouse: Primark
Shirt: Vero Moda
Cap: from Romeo, who had it from Alex
Socks: from my mom
Boots: Shoe Outlet

A few minutes ago, Frederique and I went outside for the snow! It was like a paradise! It was really beautiful, and we had so much fun! I also took some amazing pictures. And now.. it's snowing again.

Just trying my camera again. But I loooooove the sweather that i'm wearing. So warm. Like a jacket!Boots: Uggs
Sweather: from my mom
Scrafs: H&M

I just tried my camera. And.. o my god.. The picture's are beautiful! Nja.. I can do it better, but it's just a start. My models here are: Frederique and Laura.
But I have more: Thomas, Linh and Joost are also my models. We started a crew for photography. I hope it's going to work.

The good life. Just chilling with your friends outsit, when it's cold. Smoking, something to drink (all right, I've just make up that, but it would be nice if it was), making pictures and it was snowing. So just the good life, guys! Enjoy your holiday!

Ok.. yesterday was my party because I've become 16. What a evening and what a night. We've been drinking a little bit too much. Not me.. but other people and we had a bacon! That was the must exciting thing. Everything was great! You'll see the pictures soon enough, but I've a fight with my computer.. so It will take more than a few days..

Yes yes yes yes! I'm finally turned 16! Yesterday was my birthday for family en saturday (tomorrow) with friends! Damn, I love my presents from my parents. A new mobile phone and a Olympus E520! Love, love love love it!
But you'll see sunday or monday the pictures from my bday party from saturday!

O crap, I like their style so much! Since today extually.. xd. And their music is very good! You should listen to it. Especially 'Run, run'.

Shirt: Mango
Boots: Shoe Outlet
Legging: from my mom

O gosh.. It was really good! And the supporting progam was even better! I went with my mom and little sister.

Ok, again, I went to Buurtsuper at Watt. God o god.. what an evening, night and morning. Untill 4 a.m. it was pardy hardy for me!
The tumbs are from Joost

Freek had to be weird.
Me, before the party. O gosh.. I loveeeeee my hear there! Wish it would be al the time at that picture.

This is Laura. We are friends since elementary school. And o my god, we serieusly make the best pictures ever! And it's so easy. We do: Click! Et voila! There is the amazing photo! We also have the same interest. Same music and we both love to go festivals. I think it's a good friend :]